Call of Duty could lose 20% market share this fall
EA is well aware that it is highly unlikely that Battlefield 3 outperform the Call of Duty juggernaut this fall. Earlier EA COO Peter Moore explained the companies strategy in launching so close to Call of Duty, and its all about market share. The company believes that this strategy to steal market share from the industry leader will put EA in a position to steal back the shooter crown in the coming years. "It's less about being second place. This is about taking market share. This is really about a long-term strategy in what we think is a very important shooter segment that has driven over the last few years multiple billions of dollars of revenue into the industry,...If you look at last year, you might argue that Call of Duty took maybe 90 percent of the market share. We think we can knock that down to 70 percent this year. We don't have to outsell Call of Duty to have a very successful year. This is a long-term strategy to be a major player, if not ultimately a dominant player in this industry. But it starts this year."
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