Call of Duty: Elite Beta Opens Wider
We finally recieved our invite to the Call of Duty: Elite Beta earlier in the week, and have had a chance to test drive some of the features of the upcoming service that is dedicated to all things Call of Duty. My quick impressions of the service are pretty favorable. Its an extremely comprehensive stack tracking site for the hardcore Call of Duty fan that wants more information about his play style than he knows what to do with. Used in the right way, you can certainly learn alot from all the stats that are compiled. Though the real fun and games comes from the Social features of the service, the groups and tournaments are likely to be one of the biggest draws for the subscription based aspects. Adding real time prizes into the mix of Call of Duty, definitely sweetens the pot. (Although some on the service are already spotting cheaters). And the ability to interact with players in your local area or created groups adds a whole new social dynamic to the game. Of course, its hard to judge the worth of the service when we don't know the cost. So until Activision reveals exactly how much premium membership is going to run, and which pieces of the Call of Duty: Elite pie will be free, its hard to say whether its a good deal or not.
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